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  • Added on: Feb 20 2010 06:19 PM
  • Views: 5579

Can [Insert Machine Name Here] Be Emulated?

Posted by hurtand165 on Feb 20 2010 06:19 PM

Can [insert machine name here] be emulated?


Only older machines that used old (and currently unused) techs can be emulated (apart from a few on impact), chances are that the machine you played in the pub the other day cannot be emulated as it is still using a current tech.


Look at this website for the machine you want http://www.fruitemu.co.uk/fmedb/

Type the name of the machine in the box and click go, if it finds the machine you searched for it should tell you if it is emulatable or not.

If the machine is not emulatable then please do not ask for it on this site.

Just to point out, that site does not have all machines listed and does need to be updated slightly now MFME 2.0 has been released.

If you cannot find the machine you want listed there i suggest you search for it in this sites forums, chances are it has been asked for already.

If you can still not find any information about the machine the next step would be to post in the forum about it.

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