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  • Added on: Jan 26 2012 02:07 PM
  • Date Updated: Jan 28 2012 03:46 PM
  • Views: 2997

Taking photo's

Brief disc on taking pic's for emulating.

Posted by ady on Jan 26 2012 02:07 PM
A few members new or old are sitting on some much needed resources......their OWN machine.

There's a few machines that could do with a revamp so Pics are always welcome...

Question is ... What's the best way to get a Pic?

First and foremost the machine is best switched off and a flash used, yes this will cause a flash on the glass but at a weird angle that can be resolved...Move the camera angle to the point the flash don't reflect (or as little as possible)

1. Take an image of the WHOLE glass to act as a 'grid'
2. Move the camera around the glass and get around 6-8 images, these can be stitched over the grid.
3. Get a few close-up's.....taking at an angle reduces clarity so the smaller close-up's can be used to fix this.

4. Do the same with the bottom glass....

What you can see here took me 10 mins....taking the Pic's, making straight and adding a few bits that were blurred.......imagine what can be done in an hour!!

Don't forget the buttons and reels too :)

Finally, save as a BMP not JPEG as quality will be greatly reduced....zip it up and add to the forums for the designers to see.

Attached Thumbnails

  • 1a.jpg
  • 2b.jpg
  • 3c.jpg

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