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Tutorial info Visit support topic

  • Added on: Sep 26 2012 05:00 PM
  • Date Updated: Sep 26 2012 05:04 PM
  • Views: 1992

I cannot see my thread or post

new member post thread cannot see

Posted by ady on Sep 26 2012 05:00 PM
If you are a new member (or indeed someone thats been a member for a while but not posted) you may not see your thread/post displayed in the forums.

There may be One of Two reasons for this.

Firstly have you confirmed your email address?, if you can't see the confirm link in your inbox it's possible it's in your spam folder.

Secondly in order to protect the forums from spammers a 1st post/thread needs to be approved by a 'staff' member. This usually happens within a few minutes but can take a while longer.

Once a thread/post is approved you don't need to wait again as it then becomes automated.

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