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Member Since 16 Jan 2004
Offline Last Active Oct 31 2016 07:56 PM

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In Topic: Pachinko

04 January 2006 - 03:48 PM

The Pachislo machines are absolutely not a tiny bit of luck. if you are going to get a win it often tells you before the wheels have even stopped.. NO SKILL INVOLVED AT ALL. Although it tries to make it appear like there is!!

I agree James, theye are not skill at all, I increased the payout percentage on my Austin Powers, hmmm skill.... this would not be the case if the machine was pure skill as the answer then would be play it better.....

As for the bent pins, this is correct, the pachinkos have a sweet spot to achive fever mode, if the pins become bent then it increases the chance of the balls entering, but the palours in japan check the pin spacing with a gauge all the time so they have to be quick to spot one with the bent pins.

I would recomend pachislo or pachinko to anyone as they are great to play.

In Topic: Addams family machine

04 January 2006 - 03:35 PM

I have played Addams Fam, but to be honest I found the enjoyment lasted around 5 mins then I was board....

In Topic: Split - Fruit Machines for Sale

01 November 2005 - 08:51 AM


I got a telling off for my comment and I see that others are swearing and the like....

What is going on here, this was such a happy place :(
Can we have an end to this thread and move the machines to the clasified ads section???

In Topic: Split - Fruit Machines for Sale

01 November 2005 - 06:40 AM

now now children..... time for your beddy byes i think, so go change your nappy, and get your selfs of to bed and let the grown ups talk... lol :)

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As said, ok for some... point made..

In Topic: Split - Fruit Machines for Sale

31 October 2005 - 05:38 PM

Good for some I guess!
lol ah well time to hang up the towl and de-register me thinks :(