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Member Since 02 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 11 2023 10:52 PM

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Astra slotto gambler graphics card

19 February 2022 - 06:29 PM

Anyone know what model the graphics card is in the pc in a slotto gambler.
I just picked one up and it's got a dead card.
I can run in on the onboard in single screen mode but would like to get it back to perfect.

I've looked under the heatsink and it's a geforce 4 448 go. But I'm bringing up a blank on an ago card with that chip.

As it's windows based I'm hoping that a similar Nvidia geforce 4 card may work as they all use the same unified driver.

Any one have any experience of this? Or how to access windows from the astra shell?

Long Shot

08 June 2020 - 10:08 PM

long shot i know but does anyone have a copy/backup of the flyers that were on cliffs repro back in the day.


there is a picture of a machine that i know exists ive been through every gallery on here , fruitemu and desert but cant find it 


the picture is a maygay flyer with 2 machines on it one is called cash pursuit and the other was either cash trade or the exchanger.


these are the only 3 machine that i know of that were released on the (project) procon 10 tech by maygay and had a unique cabinet for them.



Bell Fruit Cash Blitz

19 April 2020 - 11:50 PM

Has this ever been emulated / do we have the roms. ive been looking for years


thanks in advance if it has and i just cant find it

More Dond On The Way Surprise Where Its Coming From Though

12 July 2012 - 03:07 PM

check it http://www.barcrest.com/game/?id=555 proper branded dond from barcrest.
