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Member Since 29 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 30 2009 09:51 PM

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In Topic: Note Mech Error 16

30 November 2009 - 09:36 PM

as said @ FF

when the 4.8 alarm comes on leave it to time out or it will get longer each time by 30 seconds

if the noise is a problem disconnect the speaker

Will do...


In Topic: Note Mech Error 16

30 November 2009 - 07:41 PM

This machine is a cannonball run, global.

This was posted on fruit machine chat to earlyer today and ofc i answered there too.

Guessing its a dip switch been knocked, dip switch 4 i think?


Yes, i've been searching for answers everywhere!

The machine is Cannonball Run by Global. I've been told it's running on epoch, all the dip switches are in the off position. It has a green battery which doesn't appear to be leaking. Occasionally it's making it past intialisation but then resets a few minutes later. During initialisation it also sometimes displays "4.8 ON/OFF ALM".

Any advice much appreciated!