have got to disliking this machine very much. after playing it on saturday and having to spend about 80 odd quid to give me mean machine or the top feature i felt gutted. it did give me 45 quid on it though...
not like jack and the beanstreak which didnt need any money to pay out when we got it in the pub. i worked there and saw the new machine so on my first break i got put 6 quid in got beanstreak and got 100 quid. loverly.
working in a pub has its advantages, although i usually spent all my tips/wages on the fruit after work every night. i have been know to spend a good 4 or 5 hours there afterwards just playing!
it does make me laugh sometimes though. there used to be a woman who came into the pub and would spend about 80 or 90 quid a night on a weekend playing, and she never won anything! how is that possible! she always took small wins and just kept on putting money in and out in and out all night - never got her anywhere!
always got me laughing when an amatuer missed it flashing and took 3 quid because 'thats what i put in'
i would absolutely love for f*** i cant remember now, but the one with the flags if you get it on the win line it like gives you cash flashes at the top, with red and blue. would bring back good memories!