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Member Since 05 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2011 02:46 PM

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'juice' Touch-Screen Fruitys

24 June 2010 - 05:28 PM

Hi guys,

Anyone had a play on these yet? If you don't know, they're touch-screen FOBT type machines like in the bookies, but with 4-5 different fruitys on them, all independent of each other regarding payout (apparently- that's what I read).

Typically they'll have a DOND, Casino Crazy, Trail Blazer, Bully's Tin Can Alley, Battleship.

I think I've just run incredibly well on them, but I love them, especially Trail Blazer - a 3 zone board type thing with 3 different DOND games, values getting higher for the more icons you collect - first board for 1, second board for 2, third for 3. I've played this machine perhaps 6 times, each time no more than £10-£15 in, and had 3 megastreaks (all for £45ish), and once had 4 super strikes hit £35. (I was on 25p play).

As I said, I think I've just been incredibly lucky but the play and payout has been fantastic so far. Have played the DOND twice - standard streak once, and £25 COB once. Bully's Tin Can Alley is a good fun play but no decent wins as yet.

The pubs with these in are a bit of a distance from me so I haven't played them much, so cant give much of an informed opinion other than my experiences. Anyone else encountered them yet?