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Member Since 10 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 22 2007 01:07 PM

Topics I've Started

Back to the Future

09 June 2005 - 05:38 PM

Has there ever been a Back to the Future board? I understand there was a version that has been in the pubs recently (i.e last year) which probably won't be emulated! But I'm wondering if there was one before that??


Bought a fruity!! Need help changing bulbs

07 January 2005 - 12:53 PM

Hey all!

Just bought myself 'Gold Digger' (Bell) off E-bay, and am well happy! Now have a glorified moneybox in my hallway :D

The only problem is a few of the bulbs are out, i'm getting replacement one's but a couple have gone behind the filter bit (the spinning strip which allows you onto superboard). Anyone know how to change these bulbs?


Skullduggery £250 machine

12 July 2004 - 11:34 AM

Has anyone played this? Does anyone know weather if you get the 'part cash out' on Compass cash it kills you completely or puts you back on the normal board??

I was playing this over weekend and got onto compass cash for first time! Lost my extra life so grabbed the £23 and ran :)

Now it's bugging me whether I should have kept going or not...

Woo won a jackpot!!!

12 July 2004 - 11:31 AM

Won my first jackpot over the weekend from a Two Towers machine, I only put a pound in, span it a couple of times then it put me straight on the cashboard in IM nice little £25! (shame it didn't give me the repeat :( )

Anyone else won the jackpot on a pound or less?

Boulderdash Sound

28 June 2004 - 04:11 PM

Hi could someone help me get the sound working on this board?

When I start it up it comes up with an error message saying V1 needed and then won't continue from there, what am I missing??

Or is there a way to disable sound so I can play it?
