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Member Since 14 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2013 10:52 PM

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Please Help Me With My Dissertation

25 July 2012 - 03:04 PM

Hey guys

For my dissertation i'm looking at betting shops, and drivers for use in 2012. In particular, well peoples apprehensions (if any) towards gambling online, and peoples thoughts onthe FOBT(even more so due to the new recommendations), and the new type of customer which has come around in the last decade or so (the younger sorts who play roulette and place accumulators etc). (any general thoughts are asked for in Q8 )

So if you gamble online or use betting shops, please take a few minutes to answer my qualititative survey in as much depth as you can be arsed to answer in, also don't answer any of the questions at the start if you don't feel like you want to, although bear in mind the survey is completely anonymous.

The survey is here:


any questions raise them on here and i'll be happy to answer them.

Even if you only play fruits please take it, and just make a note at the start or something, all insight is good.


Name This Machine...

13 February 2011 - 01:03 PM

This is fairly obscure, so i appreciate that not many people will have seen it, maybe someone in the industry or an ex-arcade owner can help me here.

Was around about 10 years ago, had a pontoon and hi-lo(i think) game, (and not deal em). where on the pontoon the values of the wins seemed to depended on the mathematical probability of getting them, i think 678 suited or 3 7's was the JP.

after you win, you got to gamble wins up by deciding on if the next card is red or black, and i seem to remember some sort of bird appearing on the card, but i cant remember what it indicated.

Didn't last long in the arcade as it was paying out at above 100%.

Anyone with any ideas?


Did anyone ever emulate Deal em??

13 July 2008 - 01:13 PM


It's been years since talk of video emulation was heard, so i just wondered was this ever incorporated into MAGE, or was it built into MFME etc etc.



24 June 2007 - 12:12 PM

Hey there. Got a trick for william hill FOBT terminals, whilst profits are small they are gauranteed. Worth knowing.

If anyone is interested PM me and we'll talk.
