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Member Since 16 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 27 2004 12:36 PM

Topics I've Started


02 March 2004 - 04:42 PM

I just had a guy add me to his msn and send me a link, he had a dodgy name and I didn't have a clue who he was so didn't click the link.

I deleted him as a contact as well as blocking him (Call m paranoid but i've been sent a few viruses and other assorted badness lately). I then looked at the homepage of the site he linked to. Turns out the guy is playing a game where you create a character and the more people click your link the more money your character gets. Anyone heard of it? It's called outwar.com

I think it is a very annoying principle and I personally feel used and dirty lol :lol: I'm glad I didn't click it, cheeky git should have asked.

Don't know where he came from, could be one of you lot for all I know!!

Stand and Deliver!

02 March 2004 - 10:40 AM

As some of you may or may not remember i'm a bit of an addict when it comes to Cluedo, may only be a £20 Jackpot and very hard to win, but I like it...so what can you do.

Recently I saw a new touchscreen game i've never seen before called "Stand and Deliver" has anyone else played it? It seems too easy to be true! I played it for about 2 hours the other night and took about £10 out of it (I'm not totally sad and pathetic, i was playing with mates....and only cos the pool table had about £20 on it, plus £10 might not sound a lot for 2 hours but bear in mind we were bored and kept putting some back in, £10 was what I was up when I went home.)

For those who haven't seen it, it's hangman - and only hangman! No questions, or anything. It's plain old hangman, pick your category and try to get the answer. It throws in the occasional thing you've never heard of or the odd 'Americanism' but they are generally easy! So long as you have a decent general knowledge at least. The only thing that grated me about it was that the letters are a bit close together so sometimes when you press "T" for example, it registered as a "K" and you lost a limb...annoying but so long as you're careful not too bad.

It tried to whip my ass by putting the money waaaay up the ladder at a stupid number of points, but then if you could get that far it was all close together, for example you get to the £2 at a big number of points and one round of hangman later and you jump straight to £5 cos they're all next to each other with only small point gaps between.

I was just curious to know if anyone else had played it, and if not (Provided you're ok at hangman) get in there and win some cash before they make it harder! I honestly can't see how you can't make at least a small profit on it at the moment, it's far too easy compared to all the other games in it's genre!

I'll shut up now, I didn't realise I'd typed so much...this was only supposed to be a quick thread :p

JPM Touchscreen

24 February 2004 - 03:10 PM

I know they're not fruit machines but still, I was interested to know if anybody knows anything about these, in terms of winning. What are the odds of winning on them? I don't remember ever seing anything about pay-out on them.

I like playing these games now and again, bit of brain exercise and a quid lasts longer than in a fruitie! I've won a few times on Cluedo (Few £5's for lighting all bonus suspects, few Cash prizes here and there for accusations and '?' screens. Along with one, and only one jackpot win...mrs white, lead piping, dining room...ahhhhh...)

It'd be interesting to know how often they pay out and why they decide to do so! Just my curious mind wondering how they work...

Notes = Unfair?

23 February 2004 - 11:06 AM

Steming from the discussion of Spoon's pubs below a point came to my attention that annoyed me the other night.

I actually looked at a new machine at a point when I was able to make a clear judgement (ie not drunk) and decided that these new fandangled things that accept notes are robbing us even worse than we were robbed before.

If somebody puts a note in to get plays then that lovely piece of paper is gone, and the guy gets plays, but how does it affect the machines play? Does this not make the machine able to fill up majorly more than it could before.

I'll give a scenario - Just say the nice maintenance man has been and emptied out the machine so it is primed to play like a new machine. Then people come along; say 5 people, and all use notes to play and don't win (Or what they win they put back in). When person number 6 comes along will the machine not still be like virgin from when it was emptied playwise despite the fact its just taken 5 people's cash?

The things don't spit out notes do they! So whatever they take in notes, they keep! Cos the coin float still needs to be kept at the level its starts at right?

It seems to me the odds of the fruitie ripping you off have just seriously increased and whoever invented note accepting machines should be shot, because he has just further increased the income of an already way to profit making organisation.

*End of Rant*

The Pint Problem!

19 February 2004 - 07:30 PM

Hi all, first post so I thought i'd dive in and see what you all think of this....

I play fruit machines a fair bit (I was going to post in the thread about addiction I saw but then decided that my first post should not be such a depressing one!) and I think i'm wise to the harsh reality.

Is it just me that thinks you get what it wants you to get? I mean how random are they? Not at all...right? It makes me laugh personally when I see people putting their pints down so they can really concentrate on hitting bonuses or "Land and even number" kind of things, you know what I mean. Stuff thats supposedly random. Am I alone in thinking when it gives you such a thing it already knows what you're going home with! eg If when you land a bonus and get 'Boost' does it really matter if you ponced about putting your pint down or taking deep breaths? You were gonna get a boost anyway, right?

A lot of people disagree with my "Just press the bloody button" tactics, but I can't see how TRYING would make a difference!

Please feel free to disagree! Anyway thats a little rant style point that I think about most nights I see people playing these games.

I suppose the bottom line is KEEP HOLD OF YOUR PINT! (It's more important! lol)