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Member Since 19 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 05 2024 07:32 AM

Topics I've Started

Resolution problem - MFME5

25 November 2016 - 02:44 AM

Hi All, 


Have tried to search forums for old topic but either doing it wrong or one doesnt exist.


I'm having problems with some of the brilliant new releases for MFME5 - notably Monopoly Millionaire and Space Raiders - the games load but they are super zoomed in and I cannot get them to fit the size of the emulator.


Any advice?




Just found the shrink to fit option in the "prefences" under >File - just incase anyone had the same issue.


Sorry for irrelevant thread.

Club Money To Burn

11 August 2010 - 02:42 AM

Hi Guys,

Unsure if this is in the correct section so apologies if it isn't.

I am having a long crack at CMTB and cannot ever seem to drop it (50p 1k JP), I am collecting random wins and having some wins forced on me from afterburner etc.

I think I am at the 150 block stage as I have been offered this a few times from the gamble, yesterday however for the first time I got money burner and it pushed the cash upto the 250 mark? I am not sure if this was the sign or what but it played pretty dire after this.

Is there any write up or hints on how to drop this? I did find some topics but didnt appear too useful.

Anybody... please help!?


12 August 2007 - 01:59 PM

Hi All,

Just wondered if anyone liked a game of poker online.

I have a contact at a large reputable poker site (UK Based) who would be willing to host a tournament for us and put up some added cash aswell.

Would anyone be interested?.

pay unit error and alarm

07 August 2007 - 01:16 PM

on club golden game I keep getting a pay unit error displayed and also a really annoying constant alarm, does anyone know how I correct this and am able to play this machine?.


Card Shark Club

07 August 2007 - 10:15 AM

Does this machine ever go? or does it permanently put you on a #20 board lock? I have put about 6 hundred in it...

Any experiences?