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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2010 06:51 PM

Topics I've Started

Just how many £1.....

09 January 2007 - 12:18 PM

Thinking as you do over lunch, lets say there weren't any Fruit Machines - just how many £1 wouldn't the Royal Mint have to make??

There's obviously a fair number that are just sitting in hoppers around the country doing nothing but being replenished each week.....

anyone good at giving a estimate?

Club Cop The Lot - Video Card RAM issue

03 September 2006 - 04:39 PM

Hi all,
I'm a long time reader first time poster so i hope someone can help me. I have a Bell Fruit Club Cop The Lot machine at home, this uses an internal LCD screen for the display, but i keep getting a RAM Error on starting the machine. If you take the card completly out you can use the machine but obviously can't see any display.

Does anyone know where i can either get another card or get this repaired at a cost?

I hope someone can give me some advice.


TopGears - Easy JP

17 April 2005 - 09:38 AM

For those of you that like the gambling and risk side of things you may not enjoy this tip, but for those of you that are more in it for profit then read on. This has been tried on 3 different machines (sorry i don't know what the chip version is) and appologies if i'm tipping something that people already know.

Anyway, it appears that when this machine is happy and not necessarly going to give you the JP but has taken money once on the board when you get onto the feature ladder stop gambling and take the features, if empty you won't be able to gamble any further than about the 3rd one up (or 1 above where you entered the feature ladder). If showing signs of decent possible wins you'll get roughly 2/3rds up the ladder and win £2-3 on the feature, but more often that not (this has shown to be very consistant on the machines i've played) you can gamble right up to the top feature and net £25+ with no effort what so-ever.
Not gambling the feature and playing on with the machine doesn't seem to indicate that it's giving good wins (i.e. you'll die or get stuck with £3) - the feature gambles will go JP.
Word of warning - this does seem to drop off the possiblity of repeat JP gambles and it has been seen that you'll spend another £10ish to just get on the board to not be able to feature gamble - so once you've done it once - walk away.