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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 04 2005 04:20 PM

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In Topic: biggest loss on a fruity

16 March 2004 - 12:00 PM

Wow this is scary - i though i was in a minority spending these sorts of sums.

Generally though the biggest thing that sucks me into these machines is when the local lads "in the know" come along and try to tell you how to play the machines. Sort of makes me want to do the complete opoosite and i think they know that (eg they tell me..'on this machine just collect all the small wins' so i try it and get stuffed so next time i dont trust them and do my own thing and still get stuffed)

ANYWAY TIME TO CHEER THIS THREAD UP. How about best profit from a make of machine by pure hard work and nothing to do with any fiddle/trick you may heard of. , doesn't have to be a single machine.
For example I'll start the ball rolling with JOKER POKER. In one day I emptied three of them for a net profit of £350. In one of them I'd emptied
it and there was still £67 owed in the bank.

PS IRVISTER LIKE YOUR SIGNOFF: Did you see THE FAST SHOW repeated last night on TV. There was a guy on there in a pub doing just that!

In Topic: biggest loss on a fruity

15 March 2004 - 11:31 PM

Before anyone disbelieves the following, i wish the hell it wasnt true!!!!!
scary to admit now but between myself and two collegues we put £700 in one BAR 7 - £15 jackpot trying to force the streak. The thing was clearly broken, paying £2 for the £1 win but we kept persisting for 3 days. Some good news and everyone should note this. IT IS WORTH COMPLAINING TO NOBLES. If they know you spend money , if you complain enough they will give you something back. Fortunately for me because of the £2 fault they ended up giving me £200 back

Worst ever loss was in a Club India Jones (i think thats what it was called) It was a £250 jackpot and refusedto givethe jackpot, wouldnt go over £50. ended up putting in nearly a grand before it "broke". couldnt come back next day and club manager refused to hold it as by now 3 people were queuing to play on it (bas*ard). Anyway low and behold , engineer 'fixes' it next morning and i heard later that within £10 it paid out £700. Remember this was a £250 jackpot so you tell me how the hell it was allowed to get that far in front on its %age before paying out....

Anyway given the buggers up now and moved onto the casino machines!