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Member Since 25 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2012 02:15 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Guess The Fruity Quiz (No Photos Allowed)

20 April 2012 - 12:35 PM

sorry Guitar, i must of missed that bit lol i was watching the film the other day + i instantly recognized the sounds of the actual gameplay as it is one of my oldtime faves :-)

i thought the (no photos allowed) might make it a bit more interesting? i tried a similar thread before + even with a photo of just a small corner of a fruit symbol or top glass etc it was just too easy!

so im hoping this will work slightly better + should be a bit more taxing on our brains??? lolol

In Topic: Are You Ready To Rock

13 April 2012 - 05:53 PM

sorry spa, bad advice m8 but im sure you misunderstood question 2? he will not be able to dump the hopper with a refil key. refil keys are as common as dog shite + if that was possible then every fruity in the uk would be empty :-)

basically my friend all you need to do is enter the test sequence, then simply select hopper/dump completely?? yes

sorted :-) if you still struggle i can talk you through it step by step

In Topic: Project Amber - The Release Thread. (At Long Last)

13 April 2012 - 04:17 PM

im getting sriously excited at some of the features (the ones i understand) lol never thought it would get relased this decade though + with such short notice! BLOODY WLL DONE TO EVERYONE :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

In Topic: Astra Slotto Hard Meter Error

07 April 2012 - 12:38 PM

lets not start goin on about RANDOM tho again lol

In Topic: Petrol Stations!

29 March 2012 - 09:49 AM

in a nutshell, NOBODY knows the TRUE figures for immigrants!! but i bet you a pound to your penny, that it is far worse than anyone could ever have predicted. + it is NOT the same worldwide........ i live in france + if i dont work i get nothing!!!! no unemployment benefit, no house, no car, no hospital care!!!! etc etc when we arrived here (not working) my mrs was in hospital for 2 nights, simple stomach bug, no operations or f*** all --------- just observation + NO FOOD!!!!!!! we get a bill for 1600euros!!!! this benefits the country 2 ways + would do exactly the same for the uk.
1) it keeps foreigners out - or they are welcome but must pay into the system like everyone else
2) it also creates a massive surplus of monies, which inturn buys the best equipment + creates extra funds for what ever the government fancy???
i have just had 2 operations here, i had a single bedroom with complete en suite, it was huge!!!! spotlessly clean etc etc

maybe the uk needs to have a system like this that CAN NOT GET DRAINED???? the uk provides all that shit free then robs joe public to pay for it in other ways..

just sayin!