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Member Since 27 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2009 01:17 PM

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GameBox JPM not registering coins

27 December 2009 - 01:17 PM

hi my parents have bought this machine ( JPM gamebox) for abit of fun over the christmas period. We've had it for a few months now and it has been working perfectly, apart from the screen going alittle blurry every now and again, however now when we put in a coin the machine is not registering it. It doesn't come out on the tray at the bottom it goes into the machine but isn't recorded thus nothing on the touch screen works.

We aren't very technical so we are unsure what this could be, we have tried turning it on and off and letting it heat up for a while (its been really cold over christmas) but nothing is working!

Your help would be greatly appreciated as we are having to resort to sharades to entertain us :)