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Member Since 05 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 02 2011 04:59 AM

Topics I've Started

New highscores website

07 August 2004 - 09:51 PM

Calling all gamers...come and give your support to the new website for posting your highscores and bragging. www.highscores.co.uk is only a baby at the moment, so get on over there and be the first to post a score on your favourite game. Then wait and see if you're truly the best of the best...maverick! :lol:


Pub Pics

21 April 2004 - 02:16 PM

Hiya guys,

Can anyone be a gem and get me some decent pics next time u go to the pub. Check out the "Realism in our layouts" thread and you'll see that i'm working on making the side-art in our layouts more atmospheric. I need high res photos of pubs and its tough to get them myself as...well I don't drink and dont like the pubs in my area. :?
So YOUR favourite pub could star in the next layout from me and Flyer, so get snapping ;) Oh and whoever takes the pic/s i use will be credited in the finished layout

Thanks.. Fin

Realism in our layouts

17 April 2004 - 04:57 PM

I was thinking about what things I could do with future layouts to increase the realism/atmosphere. When I look at Club Rollercoaster I think that perhaps it looks a bit flat...maybe it needs a little of the reflections that I so carefully cloned away :p

What would you guys like to be added to help the realism of these machines...perhaps spotlight effects on the machine as u would see in a real games arcade?, more in the way of "pub-wallpaper-sideart" perhaps?
A dirty table with a half-finished pint? how about the old collection of pint-glasses that sit on top of some fruit-machines ;)

Any input appreciated

**W.I.P** VIZ

21 March 2004 - 03:39 AM

Hi guys.. great to be contributing finally to this great site :)

Here's the Viz I'm part-redrawing for Pook. If anyone can shed any light on what Roger Melly is saying in the speech bubbles 1)next to 20p... 2) left of 50p... and 3) right of £1.40 it would really help me finish this baby off.. PM me :)

Thanks.. Fin

Some Profits show as Losses !!!!! Why!!!

11 March 2004 - 01:23 PM

I'm trying to keep tabs on which of the machines i've downloaded are gaining or losing money as I play them.
The wonderful JPeMu and MFME have those counters - in,out,profit and loss. But some machines show a profit as a loss and vice versa, with only a few actually showing the correct amount. This means the overall profit/loss field at the bottom is also probably wrong.
What's going on! I could put a quid in Red Alert 2 and lose it only for the machine to show -1 profit, whereas others will show the correct +1 profit!!

Any help would be greatly appreciated as my maths is bad and I need this!!