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Fighting Irish

Member Since 08 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Mar 25 2007 09:48 PM

Topics I've Started

King Kebab

02 June 2004 - 09:43 PM

Theres a ?25 fruitie down in one of my local taxi offices and its called king kebab. I was wondering if anyone knew if theres a emulated version. Its got features called 'Take It Away' 'Cockroach Cash' 'Donna's Delight' 'Burnin Up' etc if that helps :wink:

Royal Flush Problem

22 May 2004 - 05:15 PM

I downloaded royal flush 1024 and its working grand except when im playing it and i get into the board i cant figure out how to collect 'Winspins' 'Nudges' 'Features' 'Knockouts' ive tried everything C, W, N, F, K dont work
Any help? :wink:

A Few Questions

25 April 2004 - 10:37 PM

I play the fruities a lot but i was wondering if the machine plays any different if you leave your winnings in the bank or just take them out?

Also i've heard some ppl say that if you hold the cancel button on some machines it does something. Could someone give me more info on this and which machines it usually works on?

Thanks a million

Couple Of Probs

03 April 2004 - 03:27 PM

i downloaded club roller coaster 1024 layout and i cant seem to find the .gam file i was wondering could someone tell me where i could get it, and,

i downloaded Club-Public-Enemy 1024 and it has a few .gam files but none work. Any suggestions?

New Game

31 March 2004 - 07:37 PM

You guys have to stick this in the arcade section, its the best penguin game yet,