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Member Since 11 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2007 09:06 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: fruities on the telly

24 July 2007 - 09:04 AM

Imagine seeing one of the characters losing loads in an episode in the queen vic. Phil shouting over to the barmaid "20 more ones please luv" - then putting a stool through it

that would be hilarious

In Topic: **great Yarmouth** Any1 Been Recently?

04 May 2007 - 12:17 PM

Went there a couple months ago with a mate looking for some old school fruits to have some fun with (i dont touch the £500 jp's tbh) remember leaving about even, so reasonably happy with that.

Went to Clacton a couple weeks ago, that was pretty good. I dont play them as hardcore as i used to these days, just like playing the old £15 jps mainly.

Our next trip will be Walton. Havent been for years. Any good anyone ?

In Topic: xbox 360

12 April 2007 - 01:15 PM

I havent got one yet but intend to get the premium package as soon as im done with my Ps2.

Just in time for Halo 3 & Half Life 2 me hopes..

In Topic: What was that machine called again ??

07 March 2007 - 05:05 PM

Cheers for the replies guys,

The one i used to play used to be pay out quite well. Not uncommon to make - 30-40 quid on it. Pretty sick for a 5p play machine!

Ive normally got a pretty good memory so perhaps it was nameless, that will make finding one to buy easier then...

Ill keep an eye out should i ever be in the Worthing area, not a million miles away i guess

In Topic: Starting your own Arcade

27 June 2006 - 02:57 PM

Ive looked into the licencing permits & regs & yeah it looks pricey. Would need to knock on bank managers door for a loan me thinks. I think its a risk worth taking though, if it means you do something you enjoy for a living & if you can entice people in & treat them right, you can get yourself a loyal customer base & a good business, once the difficult first year is out of the way

Ill update you if i get any progress. I saw Nails' thread shortly after posting this one so no wonder the topic has gone a bit flat ...