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Member Since 17 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 08 2021 10:51 AM

Topics I've Started

Changing Games on Barcrest MPU4

10 April 2005 - 09:52 AM

Hi everyone.

Does anyone know how easy it is to totally change a game on a Barcrest MPU4 fruit machine? By that I mean changing the screens, reel bands (If you have to) and the bulb wiring etc, I do know about changing the game board on the MPU.

I have a Crystal Maze, and wondered if it was a pretty standard cabinet and if there are other games I could swap it to, by fitting their screens etc. or if it is going to be too much hassle for what its worth.

Thank you for reading this message and keep up the gambling.

Problem with crystal maze

16 June 2004 - 03:19 PM

:( I have recently bought a crystal maze machine, but more often than not, when the machine is powered up and the reels spin, the machine switches off and back on again, and keeps on doing this. Has anyone experienced a problem like this? I think something has become loose in transportation, as the last owner ( a friend) promises it did not do this before. could someone please help me with this problem, and advise me which components to check, cheers, Ivan. :(