- Fruit-Emu
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In Topic: Tuition Anybody?
31 August 2004 - 03:29 AM
im looking to start designing layouts only problem is i work night shifts
i know you guys have all siad on numourous occasions you are willing to help but the times i manage to get on here you aint about
only joking i am seriously looking at starting designing layouts and knowing you are are all willing to give help and advice is great and i'll keep an eye open for you
im on annual leave from 3rd september for 11 days so i think i'll make a start then 8)
In Topic: Cheats, Hints and Tips....
27 August 2004 - 02:06 AM
what utter crap 8) 8)
also are my eys devieving me or did you type club machines on p&o ferries then go on to type a high win of £5 or more?? 8O 8O
a £5 win on a club or ferry machine is not high
:roll: :roll: a £5 win on £5/£10 jp machine is high :wink:
if you can give some actual or sensible advice on high to get club machines to pay out im all ears 8)
In Topic: New ROM's!!!!!
26 August 2004 - 03:32 AM
P.S. My ISP is really good, as no one uses Supanet, its really fast and cheap. Why go with NTL and all the other big people when the corner shop can do a better deal!!!
that is the funniest thing ive heard in ages supanet fast 8) 8)
ive had tax rebates quicker
cheap i'll agree with cheap then again a two bit tramp is cheap 8) 8)
seriously though my mum had supanet and had a load of problems with it at the timwe it cost £16.99 a month you can get broadband now for a quid more and it was that slow and crashed that often in the end she had enough cancelled her contract the got a bill for 70 smackers because iof short cancellation apperently the minimum contract is 18 months not 12 months as with most other ISP's
cheap and cheerful might seem to be okay but dont trust it go with the big companies they might be slightly more expensive but in the long run they provide a much better service
P.S. My ISP is really good, as no one uses Supanet, its really fast and cheap. Why go with NTL and all the other big people when the corner shop can do a better deal!!!
that is the funniest thing ive heard in ages supanet fast 8) 8)
ive had tax rebates quicker
cheap i'll agree with cheap then again a two bit tramp is cheap 8) 8)
seriously though my mum had supanet and had a load of problems with it at the timwe it cost £16.99 a month you can get broadband now for a quid more and it was that slow and crashed that often in the end she had enough cancelled her contract the got a bill for 70 smackers because iof short cancellation apperently the minimum contract is 18 months not 12 months as with most other ISP's
cheap and cheerful might seem to be okay but dont trust it go with the big companies they might be slightly more expensive but in the long run they provide a much better service
In Topic: Tutorial link suggestion
25 August 2004 - 02:34 AM
seeing as the tutorials are at the top af the page with a comment such as please read these before going any further in blue font is good enough
or is that just me :?
where the tutorial links are is the general page information which in your word "any nob" using the site could find cos im pretty confident that anyone who doesnt read that section of the page wont actually know what this site is all about
or am i just being pendantic :?
it is 4am and im tired 8O
In Topic: NTL
25 August 2004 - 02:27 AM
ive always had AOL and ive never had a problem with them there is alot of software and stuff that gets on your tits after a while but some if it is useful if youve got a problem with tyour pc i.e computer check up and broadband checkup the 1mb is fast of fook but it is cheaper with other companies but then again if it works and u trust it why change
barcrest i didnt understand what you was saying about e-bay (not argueing just not understanding mate) ive got an account with e-bay and i (well the wife) buys loads of shit of e-bay and we have never had a problem the only e-mails we get is to say wether we have been out bid on something
- Fruit-Emu
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