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Member Since 22 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 23 2010 09:12 AM

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Help needed - I am an amateur!!

22 January 2010 - 09:33 PM

Hi all.

I have recently puchased a Barcrest Squids in fruit machine for my poker room / basement. It is a 25p play machine with a £25 repeat jackpot. It has a Genesis / MPU5 Machine manual with it and I have all the keys. Basically when I host a poker game with my friends this is down there for a bit of fun and for my friends to chuck their odd coins in and maybe win, maybe not. I have read the manual and find it confusing how to actually check to fins out what the payout percentage is. When I open the front ot the machine it has a green 78 % key fitted, is this then the payout percentage? because when i have been playing it with my own money it seems to pay out the jackpot quite alot!! I have about £68 in the hopper in pound coins so dont know if i need to put the full £125 into the hopper like it suggest I do?

Above the % key there are 8 little switches that read Bank 2 Option switches - it looks as though number 5 switch is pushed down???

I would be happy for it to be at 78% pay out, I dont want to rip my mates off, but at the same time I dont want them to clear out my £68 in 5mins!!!

Any help would be greatly received.