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Member Since 24 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 27 2015 11:48 PM

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In Topic: I Want One So Badly But How Do I Get It!

26 March 2010 - 12:21 AM

any other questions from anyone?

I'm all ears!

In Topic: I Want One So Badly But How Do I Get It!

26 March 2010 - 12:21 AM

Well I'm sure everybody is thinking this..how have you experienced UK fruit machines..did you live or study over here for a while?, it's not something you get a feel for unless you actually play them.

Hmmmmnnn..I live in Ohio, you could visit and play!


That is my favourite question in the world. However it's my least favourrite to answer as it is essentially my life story. The last time i typed it out my hands went numb so I'll just summarize in point form.

- I was born in halifax nova scotia (in canada)
- I grew up in ottawa (again in canada)
- I spend my teen years in toronto (again in canada)
- I have never been to the UK
- Neither has anyone in my family
- My fasination with fruit machines derived way back when i was a young child who was extremely curious about how everything worked
- My interest had always been pointed at coin-op (or thing that require coins to use)
- It started with a coin-op billiard table
- then went to pinball
- then went to vegas style slots
- then pachislo
- then went to vintage coin-op (eg. vegas slots from the 1930s, check it out on google they're incredible mechanical marvels)
- then pachinko
- then went to arcade games
- then billiards again
- then pinball
- then vegas slots
- then I found a wikipedia article for slots and if told of the different types in the world
- I always thought of the UK as a very cool place and when i saw they had their own type of slot machine (or fruit machine) i did more research
- I played a few for free online at eurocazino.com and realized how boring vegas slot are in comparison to fruities.
- I fell in love and wanted one ever since.
- I found this site and it was a miracle, all the real fruit machines i could think of, waiting to be played by me until I decided on the absolute best fruit machine.
- I soon wanted a real one so I could have the full experience, and something to start building a basement gameroom with, a gameroom that will one day include every one of the obsessions I listed and more.
- Here I am today.

That is how I know so much and am so interested in something most people in Canada havent even heard of. THE ALL MIGHTY FRUIT MACHINE!! :notworthy:

Ahh, when reflecting on this I realise my obsessions change fairly often and that fruit machines is the only obsession (well that and pinball) that has withstanded the test of time.

So I hope that answers everything! :goofy:

In Topic: Fruit Machine Cab.

25 March 2010 - 08:00 PM

completely understood and thanks for the help

i guess the future will go without fruit machine cabs

maybe its for the best as they may try to take over the world one day

but still it would be pretty could if someone did it

i wish i wasnt so busy then i might be that one


In Topic: I Want One So Badly But How Do I Get It!

24 March 2010 - 11:33 PM

no why do you ask

did i get that wrong because im horrible with geography and the like and when i google what quid was slang for it said british pound and that wasnt in the list of currencies (or maybe i just didnt see it) so i just made a guess that that was right

PS i was born and raised in canada

In Topic: Fruit Machine Cab.

24 March 2010 - 11:03 PM

well as far as the keys its extremely simple

this method has been used for all manner of cabinets but you can take the phisical buttons of the cab and hack them to a keyboard as simple as that just a little solder and wires and ur good to go causing no real need for a touchscreen so long as you only play tables with shortcuts on keys instead of mouse clicks

as for the rest of what yu said im a little fuzzy

could you try to clean up your explanation because the jubledness of it is a little confusing

thanks a million!

anyone else reading this want to give their two cents? it would be very helpful because this could very well be the future of fruit machine emulation