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Member Since 09 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 17 2010 09:35 PM

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In Topic: People playing more than one maching during busy periods

09 February 2010 - 07:14 PM

I completely agree, we have customers comin from other sites in our area that say the treatment they receive is appaling, ive lost count of the complaints weve received but ( not being big headed ) we have one of the best run sites in our area, unlike some, we actually look after all of our customers

In Topic: People playing more than one maching during busy periods

09 February 2010 - 07:10 PM

Well yeah if we have a customer that can sit on a machine all day and not particularly put much in and one that can put a fair bit in we are gona favour the obvious because as you say, we are in this business to make money, if not id be out of a job, but at the same time, most of our customers that do that walk away with most of what they put in anyway so we dont particularly make a lot of money on that machine, but yeah i see what you mean and i aint gonna deny it, i aint the manager of my site so i say it as it is, doesnt really affect me

In Topic: People playing more than one maching during busy periods

09 February 2010 - 06:38 PM

I work for Quicksilver, i dunno which sites you are all goin in but we certainly dont let people reserve machines for over 2 hours on our site like some do, we have a max of 30 mins and that is only allowed once a day, for the hoggin machines yeah i agree we do have a few customers in particular who can sit and play 3 machines all day but if they choose a popular machine and we have a few customers waiting to go on it we will ask them to give one of the machines up, and as for the tokens, yeah we run out once a week on them, not when a particular person comes in.