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Member Since 16 Feb 2010
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Questions About Mfme (Not How To Run Roms Etc :-))

23 February 2010 - 01:16 AM

hey everyone,

NOTE: my punctuation skills suck so ignore that :) (if you can... hehe)

Before i ask my questions I think it is only right to thank all the layout creators for bringing some of the best fruitys to the PC

Onto the questions.... (FYI.. I'm building a fruit machine style panel for a friend which will work with MFME)

1: Is it possible to control an LED board (ie.. PacDrive) to light the buttons to indicate holds/start/collect/attract mode etc based on the MFME LEDs?

2: When MFME triggers the payout can this value be read from memory (ideally to save this value to a text file or send to a printer) - since i'm knocking up a frontend launcher that will go fullscreen for the machines i'd like to be able to access coins out (can track coin in on keypress) to knock up a high score system for him?

3: Since there will most likely be a screen on the panel I was wondering how you add multiple Dot Alpha Displays so i can put one on the other screen for skill continues etc...?

4: I can code a background application to allow him to have competitions (ie.. timed, how much you win in £5 credit type things) but is there any way to ensure that when the machine is launched there are no credits or bank already present as I have noticed a few machines seem to store these if MFME is shutdown?

Finally :)

5: Can MFME be set to dump error logs if an alarm triggers... command line maybe?

My way of thinking on some of the questions is to create something similar to a PC game trainer that can run in the background but i'll need to look into that so any help/advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)

Cant Download

16 February 2010 - 02:13 PM

just registered to downlad some roms and as soon as i try my first download i get

[#10857] You have exceeded the maximum amount of bandwidth allotted to you by the administrator for the day.

so do i need to post x amount to be able to download, if this is the case you'll end up with loads of non-relevant posts


** off to download some machines from non restristed sites :-) **