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Member Since 18 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 19 2024 07:13 PM

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In Topic: Newbie Gamebox Help

05 April 2010 - 10:47 PM

I couldnt edit post again , however i solved the error with thnx for the WWTBAM manual etc , basically it cause i had some (well all) doors open, i went into the config and noticed the game key not recognised , i took it out and put it back in and then closed it all up and game works :)

however doesnt seem to register coins :( either way its all good.

In Topic: INDE roms request them

19 February 2010 - 11:22 PM

oh ok then
all you'd need is a button(for adding credits) some labels(one for the ammount of credits inserted, others for the high score table) and a text file( to save high scores and current credits) then when the game loads up have code to read from the text file and have the text file output to the labels.

fairly straight forward.

what you coding your own games machine in(vb/.net/c/c++ etc)

yep thats exactly what im doing, it pretty much fully works now , did it in vb6

just tidying it up etc thnx for all the help

In Topic: INDE roms request them

19 February 2010 - 10:18 PM

you dont need to add funds its free play so no need for credits

i realise that , but im making my own games machine and i want to be able to add credits and save winnings on a score board etc

In Topic: INDE roms request them

19 February 2010 - 09:22 PM

It is a very simple program, the games send very little data.

Anyway, the protocol used is TCP and the port is 7475

What do you have in mind?

just want a way to add funds etc so going to type my own version .. thats the idea anyways lol

In Topic: INDE roms request them

18 February 2010 - 12:47 AM

Has anyone got source code for inde emulator? or just idea how it works, i mean i get the idea of it receives a command sends a response but is it a simple connection via a port (if so what port) any help would be great thank you :)