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Member Since 11 May 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 21 2022 03:25 PM

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Problems With The (Xp + 7) Swp Games.

01 March 2010 - 03:46 AM

Hi guys,

I run all my quiz machine games on my laptop. It's not new by any means, but runs XP smoothly. Until now it's run everything perfectly, but when i run the games listed as (XP + 7) on Cliffs Repro, they just give me a large black square across 3/4 of the screen.

Anyone got any idea why this is? I'd like to solve it, cause it's for my wife who's currently pregnant and bed ridden with Sciatic Pelvic Displacement. Taking the desktop upstairs isn't really an option, so fixing the laptop issue would be great.

thanks for any help.

emulating/simulating older SWP games.

03 August 2009 - 06:37 PM


Saw all the INDE roms that were upped these last few months and have been playing and enjoying them for a little while now. However, whislt going through Clives Repro website I noticed roms for older quiz machine, like Radio Times, Coronation Street and various others. However, they're jst the bin files, and come with no executable file.

Could anyone please tell me what program i need to run these? if they are emulated/simulated accurately? and if there's anywhere else where I would be able to get the older SWP's from, whilst we wait for new INDE ones?

Thanks for your help.

section 16 machine emulators.

02 August 2009 - 01:46 AM


Just saw on ebay a guy selling a CD with roms and emulators for section 16 machines like Rainbow Riches... apparently they're available in the public domain for download. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I've searched all through google and i cant find anything.

Shrinking the layout image during play

01 August 2009 - 08:48 PM


In MFMEv3 there's a lovely option that lets me change thw window size. Meaning that my couple of roms which have layouts slightly too big for the screen are able to be used full screen and are shrunk to fit.

However, i need to use MFME 10.1 to play some of my roms... is there per chance a similar option hidden away that i cant find?

Cant get my roms to run. (MFME10.1)

01 August 2009 - 07:15 PM


I've got MFME 10.1 but have tried 1,2,2.1,3 and 3.1 with all these too.

I have the roms/layouts for Pie Factory, Pie Factory 2, and Cabin Crazy. I load them up, and they show up fine. But nothing works. No lights come on, and I cant put money on. So i cant play them.

I have Club Give Us a Break, and that one works fine. Loads up, lights come on, reels spin and in goes my money. But the other 3 just stay static and wont react.

Please help!