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diablo 03

Member Since 20 May 2004
Offline Last Active Mar 18 2007 08:57 AM

Topics I've Started

i wanna know a name of fruity i played! help me!

13 July 2004 - 07:34 PM

i recently came back of holiday where i played a fruity but i cannot remember the name!! ill give some info about it and if some1 has it or someone knows the name tell me please

- It had a cow theme - when on board u had cows head and milk etc
- jackppot £5 - 10p per play
- to get on board you had to get three in a row of something ( could be diaganol or u could change the stake to only have 1 liners)

please help meeee

Im a newb please help

21 May 2004 - 10:17 PM

I put my screen on smallesst 1024 by 768 but i still can see bottom of most roms is there anyways i can make em smaller so i can see