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Member Since 25 May 2004
Offline Last Active Mar 21 2009 03:30 PM

Topics I've Started

Tonight Dragons Den....

21 September 2006 - 07:36 PM

Anybody just catch it on beeb2????

Last two people on it, had a chip which they put into a fruit machine what has wireless technology, its albe to boradcast back to a pc and tell the owner how many pounds had gone in/out, how many were left, popular times of the day for it and pretty much everything. compatable with all AWP and sec 16's.

They broguht it off as a good idea, in my eyes all it does is enable the owner to see which macines are paying out to much and needs a fiddle with or something...

interesting tele though.

20p play?

08 September 2006 - 05:42 AM

Not sure if this is happening round your ways but alot of the machines in are arcade are now turning to 20p play while still keeping their £5 j/p.... i noticed it started with a couple of party times and a few oxo's... but now its just more and more machines, which is just making me play the casino for the extra 5/10p it cotsts, whih is making me spoon more :(

should this really be allowed?

Online scratch cards

20 April 2006 - 12:49 PM

anyone do these? i dont really gamble online...

But! went to

www.national-lottery.co.uk and chucked a fiver in from my bank card... tryed a few of their scratchys (official ones, just like the ones in the shops) and won £40..which hopefully, goes back into my bank

must stop, must stop, must stop

still though, free piss up :D

Saturday...down the club.

11 April 2006 - 10:59 AM

If anyones reads nuts mag they'll know about the brat pack...

oh yes i partied with em (infated ego)

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Easiest Club EMU to jack...

15 March 2006 - 11:53 AM

Right until jessica alba's car breaks down outside my house this is one of the things left on my 'to do' list.... whats the best (and ultimately fastest, dont wanna be stuck for hours playing it) club machine here to jack???

and the best way to go about it???? (what to blow out / take etc...)