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Member Since 11 Jun 2004
Offline Last Active Aug 18 2017 09:40 PM

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In Topic: Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii or PS3 ??

27 March 2008 - 06:40 PM

i just wanna bash some buttons with a few beers

Sounds good to me.

There is no wrong machine, especially not on my say so.
I was just saying what my experience has been.
I could be turned around on the PS3 if the PSP is anything to go by, but it's still too pricey for what it is, and has the usual Sony hype, which puts me off.
Remember the "emotion engine" blab for the PS2? lol

We know that they lose money for every console they sell, and make their money on the licensing of the games, so why can't they all get together and make one console, share the expense of console production, and share the licensing profits?

That question is almost as old as gaming itself, but Microsoft doing so well with the 360 and Nintendo surprising everyone with the success of the Wii, I don't think we've had such a level playing field for more than a decade.
It's very possible that the next gen could be one format, which would be great, although there are a lot of fanboys on all sides that wouldn't have anything to complain about, and their lives would become meaningless. :)

"your right about the misses though, normally she aint got time to come up for air...." ---- LOL

@Baz: I haven't had a proper look, but I found this, which was December last year:
Xbox 360 DivX/XviD Playback Tested (Verdict: It's Almost Perfect)

To prove how little interest I have/had in using the Xbox for movie playing, I didn't know anything about this. :)
I'll certainly be digging out a few DVDs to test Divx playback now though.


In Topic: Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii or PS3 ??

27 March 2008 - 04:21 PM

come meet me ill kick your bitchy little ass punk.............,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

What are you, 12 years old?
Funniest thing I've read in ages. lol

oh no you cant can you cause mummy and daddy wont get you one mabe if u spit out your dummy they might

I'm a 6 foot 2, 41 year old man, you strange little boy.
You're exactly the sort of idiot that most people on Xbox Live save the Mute button for.

I'm printing your posts out.
So many people will be hysterical down the pub at the weekend.

I've never met anyone simple enough to use the term "bitchy little ass punk" before.
Kids should never be allowed to browse the Internet without supervision.

LOL :)


In Topic: Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii or PS3 ??

27 March 2008 - 02:14 PM

I just cant understand why you would buy a PS just to play two games. Tell me what you play on your xbox which is exclusive. dont tell me its some dancing mat game.

First of all, why would it have to be exclusive?
If a game came out on the Xbox and PS2, then I would buy the Xbox version because I prefer to play them on the Xbox (sometimes because I'd already played either the PS2 or Xbox version).

Some of my games are Xbox exclusives (Forza Motorsport 2, Halo 3, Project Gotham 4) but most are multi-format.

You've already answered your other question when you mention exclusives.
That's why I ended up with a PS2 and only a couple of games.
Sony made damn sure that GT and GTA were exclusives, and it's no secret that both those games sold the console.
With only one game that I'm interested in being exclusive to the PS3 (GT), the PS3 is even less of an attraction than the PS2, which is why I said I'd probably end up getting one second-hand at some point (my PS2 wasn't brand new, lol).

I don't play any of those dancing mat games, or any other games aimed at 10 year olds, which is why I said what I did about the Wii earlier.
(I make exceptions for games like Mario, because I grew up playing them, and we should all be big kids now and again.) :)

Oh, and it's a shame your missus can't hold her breath that long.
You're missing out, you really are. ;)


In Topic: Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii or PS3 ??

27 March 2008 - 11:24 AM

So you love your psp, what about all the glossy content you can sync with the ps3. New update installed yesterday which allows you to access additional content now from blue ray disks. I cant see the point in comparing 2 excellant games machines which pretty much play the same fooking games.

Fact of the matter if you have always brought an Xbox then you will continue to find excuses not to change, Same if you are a PS fan. even the same if your an Apple fan. These comparison topics are all the same. You will never change anybodys views and quite literally never stop people spurting out general hear say.!!!

So just go to game and buy a f*****g console that plays f*****g games for f*** sake.

Wow, it's easy this swearing business isn't it?
Tosser. :) lol

For your information:
Owned a Playstation - used a lot.
Owned a Dreamcast - used a lot
Owned an N64 - Used more than a lot
Owned an Xbox - Used a lot
Owned a PS2 - Used for GT and GTA and then gathered dust
Own an Xbox 360 - Used more than a lot
Probably own a Wii - used for parties and for kids
Probably own a PS3 - couldn't give a rats arse about Blu-Ray, so it had better have more than that or more than the ability to plug my PSP into it if it's going to impress me.

I know that there are people out there who love to be fanboys, whether it's Xbox or Playstation, but I hate them as much as the next person.
Why would anyone religiously follow a brand just because fat balding men in a boardroom in either Japan or America spend millions telling you it's "cool".
There'll always be enough idiots in the world for them to make a living though. :)

My comments are based on what I use, and how much I use them.

And why would you post in a thread called "Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii or PS3 ??" and say that people shouldn't say which they'd prefer?
Are you bored?



In Topic: Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii or PS3 ??

26 March 2008 - 11:56 PM

ok your happy with your 360 what happens when xbox goes over to bluray and the games go over to bluray as you can fit more data on bluray your xbox will be a fancy dvd player because they are going to have to bring out a new drive which will cost another 100 pound or more or bring out a new xbox which will cost about the same as ps3 because they need to make there money back on all the hd drives they lost money on you also missed out ps3 now surport divx over 2 gig xbox had trouble fitting assassins creed on disk because of so much data ps3 no probs i have both but if xbox do go to bluray i want some sort of compo

First of all, someone buy that guy a box of commas and a packet of full stops. :)

If Blu-Ray takes off and replaces DVDs as the standard, then eventually I'll buy a Blu-Ray player. Sony doesn't own Blu-Ray.
In fact, they're only one of many companies that developed it, so you can expect Blu-Ray players from all the big electronic names (if they're not already out there that is. Like I said, I'm not bothered just yet).

I don't know what else to say to your post, as I'm not quite sure what your point is, but it's worth remembering that most PS2 and Xbox games didn't use the full capacity that DVD offered them, and It's very likely that most PS3 games won't use the full capacity of the Blu-Ray discs.

Besides, episodic content streamed down to your 360 HDD doesn't need Blu-Ray, or any other "overkill" standard.

I got excited about CDs and DVDs when they first came out because they offered something new to music and movies, but both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray are only offering more of the same with greater capacity for HD content, and I'm afraid I just can't achieve wood where they're concerned. :)

Playstation - Not Bad.
Playstation 2 - Over-Hyped but had GT and GTA
Playstation 3 - Blu-Ray and GT
PSP - A wonderful piece of kit that I wouldn't be without. See, Sony can get it right sometimes, but the Sony Fan-Boys didn't go for it!?!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and burn some rubber online at Silverstone (Forza Motorsport 2 Xbox Live) :)
