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Member Since 30 Jun 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2004 02:12 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Anyone like Weston-Super-Mare?

18 July 2004 - 01:32 PM

Thanks for the financial tips guys, but i was really asking for your opinions about Weston Super Mare, crooked arcades, townies etc...but never mind.

Just to save you from any more sleepless nights - i only went into my overdraft cus i spent the last of my cash on the machines - i have just bought a house so i didnt have much money in my account. It was 2days to pay day and i wanted to carry on playing. I have a well paid job, and the overdraft was only for about £25 so i paid it off no problem as soon as my wages were in my account.

PS - i dont use cheques so i dont/wont ever commit fraud.

In Topic: invincible club machines

17 July 2004 - 03:51 PM

When you guys talk about "CLUB" machines - what exactly does that mean? Night clubs or social clubs or what? I cant say ive ever seen a £200/£250 jackpot.

Havent been "Fruiting" for long, so probably just never noticed them, even if im stood right next to one! D'oh!

There is a community centre by where ive just bought a house - reckon there will be one in there?

What are they like to play?

Whats the normal pay out like, and what do you reckon are the best ones to look out for?


In Topic: itailian job cheats

01 July 2004 - 08:58 PM

good point.

or...........wait outside (with a baseball bat) til closing, then get what is rightfully mine!! and his smokes, and mobile! Possibly car keys too!!