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Member Since 03 Jul 2004
Offline Last Active Aug 13 2012 12:06 PM

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In Topic: Cops and Robbers cashpot technique

02 July 2007 - 06:06 PM

Having just read the other replys, most of them are wrong. There is a knack to playing cops and robbers and if only play it when you should and play it properly then you are almost guaranteed to come out in front. The person who "drops it" and then walks away has lost hundreds of pounds to the next people to play the machine. There are other machines that you can almost guarantee coming out in front if you know what you are doing. But you must know the history and sure you are playing it at the right time, failing that you must have the funds and time to continue playing to minimise your losses. These are not cheats, just playing strategies and of course there are different strategies for different machines.
be careful !

In Topic: Cops and Robbers cashpot technique

01 July 2007 - 08:08 PM

The guide to cops and robbers is freely available for nothing if you look hard enough and what the video doesnt show or tell you is how much it cost him. You need to apply all the basic principles to playing machines AND know the history of th large payouts. Nothing guarantees you winning and if you dont know what you are doing you will lose !
I have put in many hundreds (thousands) of pounds into cops and robbers machines and can almost guarantee to get the cashpot every time (providing it is ready). It can sometimes cost 300-450 to force it, if it is not ready but if you know what you are doing you can still come out in front.
I have paid dearly in the past but the experience is well worth it, i got the cashpot one night and someone wound me up the next night and i ended up playing when i know i shouldnt have done. So from one cashpot one night to the next cashpot with only me playing it, it took 950 pounds to force it but i did get 750 back in total. Now that was a good 12 hour session to take the cashpot/reserve from 0.00 to 250 and empty the machine twice.
So learn from a free guide but be careful.
Hope you have fun.