Your gona get shot down in a ball of flames for that post
Fruit chat forum is your best bet for this post.
Fair enough, but with this being the Any Topic Forum I would have thought it would have been ok.
Welshboyo111 hasn't added any friends yet.
02 November 2010 - 09:23 PM
Your gona get shot down in a ball of flames for that post
Fruit chat forum is your best bet for this post.
17 August 2010 - 07:59 PM
Hi, the main problem is the machine is in test mode, and as such it will not play the same as one in normal mode,I went over to Blackpool to see why my layout would'nt work when I was having problems with the display crashing the emulator,I won £75 while I was there off one of the features(red hot I think) - I've tidied up the layout a bit if you want it.
09 February 2009 - 10:53 PM
thanks duplu.
It really bugs me when people start slagging each other off just because something isnt with in there reach. Its childish and does more harm than good.
08 February 2009 - 12:30 PM
30 January 2009 - 07:36 PM
Are people still getting that runtime error? I posted a solution both here and FruitForums a while back, but obviously with the previous 'issues' here, it got removed. I do not guarantee that this will work for everyone, and also you perform the below actions entirely at your own risk.
NOTE - The below is hopefully a solution for the 'Kerching' sound, followed by a Runtime error problem.
Right, think I've got it sorted now, it needs an MPEG2 codec, so when installing FFDSHOW, you have to tell it to install that - it doesn't do it by default. I got Reel King working, then uninstalled FFDSHOW, reinstalled FFDSHOW with the default settings, and it no longer worked. I then narrowed it down to the MPEG2 codec, which FFDSHOW doesn't install by default, so you have to tell it to during installation. Just follow what's written below, it's a piece of pish!
Here is a copy of my post from Fruit-Emu on the matter :
Looks like it is specifically the MPEG2 codec. If you have just installed FFDSHOW and have not used these particular settings, then uninstall it (you can find it in the Start Menu, or probably 'add/remove programs' in the Control Panel as well.
Therefore, when installing FFDSHOW, on the 'SELECT ADDITIONAL TASKS' screen, you need to do the following :
1) Check the 'Video Formats : Decode the following video formats with ffdshow :' checkbox
2) Scroll down that page until you see 'MPEG-2', and check the 'libmpeg2' box next to it.
I reckon that'll get it working. If not, go out to an arcade / LBO with a Reel King and try and win yourself a new computer.