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delta daz

Member Since 17 Jul 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 01 2006 02:27 AM

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In Topic: mfme only in safe mode

04 May 2005 - 06:03 PM

hi found the problem when i disable the service windows audio mfme work fine
my sound driver is realtek ac'97. so gone back to an older driver which seems to work ok going to download the latest drivers and see if there ok also was having a problem of some machines running slowly had to keep changeing from
16 bit to 32 bit color but have now turned graphics hardware down one nocth
and they run great does anybody know it does this thanks

In Topic: mfme not responding

30 April 2005 - 10:25 PM

hi tryed what you said with msconfig but when i press apply it says
access denied error was returned while attempting to change a service and i need to log using a administrator account witch i allready have.does anybody know what dll files are needed so i check and see if i have them. also jmpu and bfmulator are working fine don't know if that helps. thanks

In Topic: mfme not responding

30 April 2005 - 01:14 AM

hi mate idid'nt run mfme in safe mode i did a virus and spyware check in
safe mode but what you said about other trouble ihad about 3 days wrea i could not get the computer to boot in anything but safe mode but solved that
by deleteing a lot of stuff as my hard drive was full done a virus check with
avgfree and found nothing any other help would be great.thanks

In Topic: mfme not responding

29 April 2005 - 11:09 PM

reply to gazeyre1966:I have got flash installed and i am using windows xp
iv'e allready tried unistalling all machines and reinstalling fmew as i still have the zip folder on my computer thanks for reply though

reply to bencrest: what i mean is i ran a spyware and virus check in safe mode no mfme and i do have xp i only closed the programs which did'nt need to be running i'm using avg free edition just went to update it but it said
i need to rienstall avg as it may be damaged i'm going to rienstall it
and update it and let you know what happens thanks:

In Topic: mfme not responding

29 April 2005 - 04:47 PM

hi ended all running program in the background ran virus and spyware check

in safe mode and still no joy tryed downloading some new machine and they dont work either the program just seems to crash when i load a machine
i've had mfme on my computer for about a year now and never had any trouble before.any help would be great.
