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Member Since 19 Jul 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 16 2005 10:56 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Zone Alarm Or Internet / Playing Fruit Machine Emulators

16 January 2005 - 05:48 PM

I have Z.A. running all the time...if it gets slow try decreasing the number to do with the processor speed on the options page....Its worth a go.

Also if you have AVG/Spybot,or any other anti virus program running as well then it can REALLY slow u down!!!!

In Topic: cluedo

16 January 2005 - 10:40 AM

On the club cluedo £250 machine,either side of the HI-LO symbol and the dice,there are three symbols in boxes,what does it say under the three boxes on either side,i cant make it out,ive even gone to 800 x 800 but it seems blurred..........

In Topic: The biggest release of them all!

16 January 2005 - 09:31 AM

And I'm sorry for this comment as a moderator...

But I was going to reply to iains post on the 2 emulators, but I was sidelined by trouty's posting, as its damn more worthy reading and replying to Trouty than a stupid idiot namely iain who's hell bent on asking every pathetic question he can!

iain..............please give the new members a chance to get 'their-head' around emulation without you making things hard, and quote Trouty iain NEVER reads threads.....thats so obvious.

If you are sorry about that comment,WHY did u post it?

...and why do you use a link to another web site when this site should have all the info about MFME2 anyway????

In Topic: Powerspin WDX *New Layout*

16 January 2005 - 08:27 AM

Brill machine,sound artwork,all pukka,i have stopped playing costa del cash and started to play this one,ITS THAT GOOD!!! :)

In Topic: The biggest release of them all!

15 January 2005 - 09:28 PM

Whats so bloody good about Party time anyway???

Wow,in real life you end up putting £100 in to get £50 out,thats really special (NOT!!!),and the machine will just be the same........

These 2 emulators that are coming out soon,i know these might be stupid questions but:

i. Will they be included on the downloads section on the left
ii. Will there be the same amount of ease downloading the base programs?
iii. Will their be a new FMEIW file which will include these 2 new emulators
iv. Can you name a few fruities that will be availiable when these 2 come along...(PLEASE SAY LOTTA LUCK)
v. If these emulators WERE going to take years to come along and are due really soon,then should we expect some more emulators to come along in the next 6 months +