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Member Since 22 Jul 2004
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2015 09:22 PM

Topics I've Started

To Collect or Not...??!

18 June 2009 - 07:47 AM

sorry if its another dumb question again, but iv had a few go's on the partytimes and bullimic(bullion bars) recently, i know daft! But if i do its just if im early for a bus or something.. Anyway i put about £3 in partytime and won quite a lot £58 a lot to me! and was just about to collect when a fat middle aged dobber chav who was next to me said (shouted) DONT collect.. what the?? It'll ruin the run and empty it , then to confuse me even more, she said its full, i just asked how do you know that, and she said it sounds it, when you put a pound in it makes a certain noise, on that note i collected and took my 'huke!

If i went in again and won (rare!) Is there any truth in the not collecting thing? would i win more, not being greedy but not wanting someone else to jump on with a magic pound and win a chunk after me

also this full thing?

im really quite curious now, cus' thinking about it, iv seen a lot of players with loads banked and not collecting, even going to get more change to put in!!??

sorry again, and for my awful grammer

whats the most you've lost and won

17 February 2009 - 06:41 PM

on bandits in one go/week/month? Which ones? Im just curious, not to judge anybody, its not a post for that just a general question!

if its a crap post, i apologise

Much Love

Are you a happy gambler?

30 September 2008 - 11:41 AM

Just a previous thread and the fact iv read some posts that seem like some people like gambling really, that made me think of above question

Just seems such a big spectrum of gambling for fun and being a real addict, even having a 'small problem' or i can stop for weeks if i want' seems to still be a problem

Anyway... Are you a happy Gambler!?

fme roms help

17 September 2008 - 09:00 PM

im sorry if these have been done i did put in a search but 100's of topics came up , but does anybody know if cashcards or cash-cards has been emulated and if so where..

also hit money, the 10p a go version? again im really sorry if iv done another annoying post!

thanks :)

*fruit machine wishlist*

10 November 2005 - 09:48 PM

*post here* if theres already a post/forum of this i apologise, i was thinking of a childhood-retroish fruity id like to play on my pc (pref psp but thats another story) can anyone remember cashalarm? id love to play that again, havent seen it for years either :o( only 2p ago too !