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Member Since 05 Aug 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2009 03:04 PM

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In Topic: Mfme 9.4

17 November 2008 - 08:03 PM

of corse i had the same problem a wee while back and the pc wouldnt load the sound drivers quick enough which crashed the pc

Yep your exactly right everyone, it was reaktek drivers, now upgraded and working fine, thanks very much for your help!

In Topic: Mfme 9.4

16 November 2008 - 06:09 PM

you might have a slow processor or have some graphic drivers missing which is more technical stuff

Its not my processor, im only running 64bit 3200 but that can definately hand a fruit machine emulator! graphics card is radeon 9600 again dated but can run fruit machine, running on the latest graphics driver, i reckon then it might be onboard sound chip driver. Will check out the link.

In Topic: Mfme 9.4

14 November 2008 - 08:59 PM

WHAT ERROR what does it say

Im not even getting an error, the emulator takes about 5-10 secs to load up then when i load the .gam file it just freezes

In Topic: Mfme 9.4

14 November 2008 - 08:26 PM

Thats because your using the special virus editions of them.

Thats a great help to a new user, thanks.

In Topic: Keylogger

14 November 2008 - 08:25 PM

Well thats what happens when you get stuff off torrent sites..my NOD32 cannot find a trace of any such "keylogger" "virus" or any other stuff..plus people on here have been using it for months/years without a prob.

I fail to see how it can be a virus anyway because its not a self installing exe...its just a standalone exe and the only time its running in the background is when your playing it..when your finished...exit.

I didnt download it as a torrent i downloaded it from the website already mentioned but the download loaded into bitcomet, thats where keylogger came up in the description of the download, which has nothing to do with bitcomet, or torrents.

You can get a virus even from a standalone exe file its still executable even though it is not actually installing, the virus could be compiled in.