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Member Since 05 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2015 09:23 PM

Topics I've Started

Selecting "forums" In Main Navigation Links Gives Error

11 August 2010 - 02:47 PM

When I select "Forums" in main site navigation links (in between Home and Members), I keep getting the following error:

Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/fecom/public_html/forums/admin/applications_addon/ips/nexus/sources/ads.php on line 127

.... takes several browser page refresh (F5) before Forum index shows.

Note: Error only shows if "Forums" is selected while on Home page.

Advanced Search Problem

24 July 2010 - 12:04 PM

Hey up all,

I've downloaded Noels House Party DX (1200) but game requires ROMs as well. I used the Advanced Search feature (cog image) to look for these. Entered "Noels House Party" (without quotes) in Find words field, ticked Match Search titles only then clicked on Search. I got the following results:

Your results for the term noels house party limited to the first 200 

(8 Pages)

....but no results displayed at all, on any of the eight pages.

Also notice that if you select Advanced Search (cog image) on Unreal Portal page, you get this error:

[#10145.1] The application 'Fruit-Emu Portal' does not support search

Always Wondered...

20 July 2010 - 11:37 AM

I used to love popping down to Southend once a fortnight with my cousin years ago thinking nothing of spending a good few hours pumping money into slots, pinball and arcade machines. Buying fish and chips after, walking down the pier seeing what damage has been done to it - again, being shit on by multitude of seagulls trying to nick me fish, and so on.

Amusement arcades. Great places. I always tend to avoid those that had the "claw crane grab machines" as they were always on full bloody volume and the noise used to drive me nuts, overriding any game I was playing!

Anyhow, getting to the point. FM's have evolved somewhat into video slots. But as for Arcade games, I've always wandered why no manufacturer has ever entertained the idea of having these pay out. I dunno, you actually complete a game and you get 50% back. Think this would be great! What you all think?

Pm Preview Formatting Problem

17 July 2010 - 05:28 PM

I'm hoping this is isolated but noticed it since the board had been updated.

When composing a PM and then previewing it, the formatting is getting messed up. Mainly the line breaks in between paragraphs are getting removed. Example:

This is paragraph one.

This is paragraph two.

Click Preview and then I get this:

This is paragraph one.This is paragraph two.

Favourite Emulated Slots

14 July 2010 - 07:27 PM

Firstly, I've got to say a massive thank you to all you guys in the hard work and valuable time you give providing all these emulated classic Fruit Machines. Cheers. :D

I've played quite a few variations now and while I've probably just scratched the surface with about the 20 I've downloaded from here. Already I'm sorting out personal favourites. No doubt, I'm missing some real gems out there to add to the collection!

I think what's shocked me the most is FMFE recording how much you've put in, won and loss! Yep, loss a fair bit. Thank gawd it's not real money lol.

Anyhow, here's my personal favourites so far. Obviously, everyone has different taste but I do prefer FM's that has masses of extras and features to keep me busy lol.

Viva Espana
Coronation Street
I'm a celebrity
Snakes and Ladders
Smash and Grab
Rich and Famous

If a topic like this already exists, I apologise and please feel free to point me to it or merge my post.