Used to own a machine in a taxi office when I was the nightshift controller.
I rented a room from the owner at £100 per week and had a Maxpax machine in there with it, No licence for the machine as it was secure premises and I could lock the room at any time and had cctv.
I put in £100 jackpot and changed the machine every six month.
I went out with £5 in my pocket and could come home with over £350 a night.
I was constanly changing £10, and £20s for bags of change.
I went on holiday and when I came back I could not carry the money out as it was to heavy and filled black bags.
Taxi drivers on the night shift have boring nights during the week and bags loads of change.
My saying was This is due to pay.
One night I came in to work I sellotaped 2 x £50 notes to the office window and said "that is due to pay" and I need the person to give me the £1 coins back so I can refill it before I go on holiday.
I had a Q of drivers playing from 2am till 8 am the next morning all trying to win the £100 jackpot.
£480 I changed that night plus got all their change, it was great.
Then someone grassed me off.
I was working one night and a driver never shut the door behind him and in comes the police, they said you know you need a licence for that machine, (I had the back off it) and quick as a flash I said that it does not work and I only sort them in my spare time, I said look and put a £1 in and said play it, he did and got a cherry 40p which did not pay out as the back was off, he said I was in here last week and put a pound in that machine as well.
As soon as they left I switched it off removed the cable and turned it round to the wall. They came back an hour later and said their chief constable had told them to do me with something, but as it was obvious that the machine was not being used they would not do me, they advised me that I needed a licence to even sort them.
I left the taxis after that as I could not go back to working for £3 an hour.
4 years of brill it was, bought myself new car holidays everything all from one bandit.