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Member Since 18 May 2003
Offline Last Active Jun 28 2020 07:44 PM

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In Topic: requests ?

05 January 2017 - 11:12 PM

Is it possible for The Big Deal to be emulated?

In Topic: The End Of An Era: Reels Stop Spinning For Barcrest

19 February 2012 - 11:00 PM

Could Bell-fruit be going the same way?


In Topic: Mpu5: Double Or Quits (bwb)

03 April 2011 - 01:56 PM

Looking forward to this one! I remember playing this one about 10 years ago.

In Topic: New Dond Machines - Pics

05 June 2010 - 09:35 AM

right you need to get 3 more phones, and bank current offer before restarting DOND with the “Play It Again” button!

but i cant believe you guys have not mentioned the bankers bonus. tbh i hate the name it should be called bankers gamble because you get to choose if you want to change your box like you do on the show.

but what you guys need to remember. because it gets anoying to all you guys who just turn round and say its a clone, its shite. its not lol, and i will tell you why. with bell fruit from what i have gathered. they seem to take a strong model and then put it into a new machine with new features. plus they change how the game works. like the bankers bonus is basically a double deal. except they have added a cashpot *from bankers ring twice* and the new *swap box* which is new to dond machines. although sometimes they do bring out clones like double delux and gold, even i say your having a laugh.

and the same with play it again. crazy chair rebuild. play it again button is just basically a lifeline. remember the old barcrest doctors and nurses and round the bend were you had the flush toilet and resusitate. well its the same principle.

and we have asked a few dozen players who have played bankers bonus and the majority say once they have played it, they think its a good machine. but do say they will not play the older version now they have this one. which is common sense anyway. which would you rather play a double deal or the new version which has 3 or 4 extra features. thats were some plonka operators go wrong they put to many of the same machine in the same venues or areas. although to be honest only the double deal and crazy chair layouts seem to be getting played. even double take and lucky strike struggled in testing

i did have a picture of make or break, but iv lost it. didnt get the test machine but from looking at the picture its a bit everywere it looks similar to the original dond. so will have to see if anyone posts the piccy

so all you guys that thought deal or no deal was ending.. think again :)

Make or Break is in a local pub of mine. Basically it's a clone of Monopoly Boom or Bust

In Topic: New Dond Machines - Pics

29 May 2010 - 10:03 PM

Feeling Lucky is not a bad one. I like the variety of stakes you can have. Tends to give streaks easily as well.

Play Again looks interesting. I wonder what happens if you light all 4 phones.