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Member Since 18 May 2003
Offline Last Active Jul 04 2008 07:52 PM

Topics I've Started

mage roms?

03 March 2004 - 11:08 PM

just like when i first got intrested in mame and pin mame i had trouble locating the roms.Now mage,can anyone point me to the right place to locate the roms for mage.i have downloaded mage and know the jist of it just need the roms now

happy days!silver shuffle, golden crowns,premiums&sidewi

05 December 2003 - 03:16 PM

just wondered if anyone can relate to playing a couple of machines in the 90's called golden crowns and premiums which were matrix type machines?And whether anyones remembers silver shuffle and a video type fruity called sidewinder?does anyone know if any of these have been emulated yet?

action bank wdx problem??

04 November 2003 - 08:33 AM

just downloaded action bank,when try to load it in says no sound file/no rom file.Have downloaded twice just in case and explored folder and gam file is in there and sound file too.Any ideas?

wrong screen ?

24 September 2003 - 11:59 AM

just thought would let you know,not that have ever needed to that you seem to have wrong screen for red alert....

mfme layouts wont fit

23 June 2003 - 02:16 PM

have tried all dont know wot else to do guys???i know most dx layouts need 1024 x 768 resolution..mine always set to this anyway.last few downloads e.g exchange unlimited and line up dont fit on even with this resolution .any ideas???