Member Since 28 Jul 2010Offline Last Active Dec 17 2011 07:58 PM
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Needs to return to magaluf in the very near future for more messy nights!
Dec 17 2011 10:39 PM
Guy walks into the bank and starts filming a guy reading a poem then staff tell him to leave... "I'm actually a member of natwest. but your not doing a transaction today can you leave. but I am using the bank, (other lady) are you using the bank? yes of course i'm using the bank. doing what? I'm using the palce as a venue for making films" LOL. well they are owned by the tax payers so why not! fuck let's use the banks as amateur music venues and picnics from now on!
Nov 25 2011 05:09 AM
Having mid life crises already!!!! Seriously think its time to pack up and travel the world.
Nov 20 2011 06:00 PM
The spontaneous in me strikes again! decided to do somthing worthwhile in life and go to uni.... in Russia!
Aug 26 2011 11:38 PM
Cause I been around the world I seen so many places living the life i've worked so hard to make it trading the world for money stars and power living my life at 100mph
Aug 19 2011 04:18 AM
Russia trip offically booked after 5 years of dreaming about going. Moscow here I come! ;)
Aug 15 2011 11:01 PM