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Member Since 28 Oct 2004
Offline Last Active Mar 03 2008 05:29 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Quick Question on hopper levels

22 February 2008 - 02:12 AM

Just to throw in extra confusion, Electrocoin use 'non-standard' float, credit, note lockout and bank limits so anything is possible.

In Topic: Best EBAY listing EVER Thread Add your favourites...

18 February 2008 - 01:22 AM

As seen in a past life on BarryBoys by any chance?

In Topic: Pissing bloody mobile phone software

17 February 2008 - 12:51 AM

Well if anyone out there can help with this bollocks I'd appreciate your input. Here's a zip file of my woes. I've run out of ideas.

In Topic: Pissing bloody mobile phone software

15 February 2008 - 01:18 AM

what OS say Vista and you only have yourself to blame.

Sorry Alth no I won't go near that shite: my PC is over 3 days old so Vista will clearly never work. It's XP Pro SP2. I had problems with my K800i 18 months ago. The CD install worked but any further downloaded upgrades just f***ed up.

In Topic: The YouTube Thread

20 January 2008 - 07:53 PM

Felt compelled to share this with you lot. I was thinking about starting a thread to find out who your favourite comedians are but this pair would win it hands down.

Agree 100% with you there. A few years back I was working from home - or meant to be. BBC2 did a late morning run of Laurel & Hardy pictures, and as a result I lost half of each day helpless with laughter. Comic geniuses, the pair of them.