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Member Since 22 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2016 02:48 PM

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In Topic: Introduce yourself

27 August 2010 - 09:43 AM

Hi there,

I've just discovered the site, and thought only polite to post an intro.....Plus I want to pick your brains :)

I'm an old school gamer, 40+, and love the emulation scene. I have MAME, and also VP (Visual Pinball) and play both regularly.

It'd be great to be able to play some of the classic Fruit Machines of my youth - as well as some more upto date ones I remember from UK pubs.

I'm currently living in New Zealand - and they have Pokies(like Australia) - I've never got into these at all - They just seem to involve pressing start ad infinitum....Borrrrrring in the extreme I find.

I've downloaded the following emulators - MFMEv3, JPeMu & BFMulator.
These have come with a few games - but not the ones I remember (with the exception of JPM's Indiana Jones). So I'm really looking for a site s that can A. Refresh my memory as to machines of yore, and B. Tell me if they've been emulated (and what to play them on, where to obtain DXs and sssshhhhh.....Romeo Oscar Mike Sierras....

I came across a site called Dads FME Forumswhich is meant to have a database of emulated machines. I registered to join and received an email saying I'd have to wait for approval of my application before I could view...Still waiting unfortunately.

Oh - Another site/book/info I'm looking for is the history of the UK machines with athe landmark machines, features, developments etc. Be great if someone could point me in the right direction.

Anyway - Enough rambling for now.

Thanks in advance,