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Member Since 15 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2015 01:11 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Name Something A Fruit Has Never Done....... But Could Do...

12 October 2012 - 11:26 PM

On JPMs clubber "Pyramid" or "Kingtut" I never once saw 4 cherries drop in, either emulated or in real life.

In Topic: Fruit Snappa 1600+1024 DX's

14 July 2012 - 10:47 PM

A belated thanks from me also. Last time I played this was at Bristol TM railway station with my dad (I was about 12) waiting for the London Intercity 125!!! We got the Jackpot and converted the £2 tokens into 90 pence. (We put £3 in to get the jackpot LOL)

In Topic: Mpu 4 - Blackjack Club £150

08 June 2012 - 11:18 PM

Lovely release, used to be in many a snooker club!!

What bugs me about this machine is that there used to be a cheat on it where you know when it was ready to climb to £150 (it used to block on notation.) I never found out what it was!!

In Topic: Clockwise Wdx

04 December 2011 - 02:37 PM

Quality machine, used to be in my local snooker club, and you could never get on it (unless someone just won the jackpot LOL)

Many thanks!!

In Topic: Chances Unlimited Fruity

16 October 2011 - 01:30 PM

I used to hate this machine, so tight at the best of times and why didnt they keep the fruit matrix thing, all those lines look stupid!!