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Member Since 15 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Nov 07 2007 05:15 PM

Topics I've Started

Real machines

03 November 2007 - 10:05 PM

I know this is a emu site but I wanted to know if anyone can direct me to somewhere that i can purchase games like andy capp hot rod luxor and so on maybe the old jokers wild and 7hevean types to..
these are not to be put in a pub or somewhere but in my house

Video Roms

23 January 2007 - 10:37 PM

Is there any video emu's / roms for games like Monte Carlo or Reno? If not do you think there will ever be these types of roms or emu's.

here i go again

22 November 2006 - 08:39 PM

Well here I am again going to ask the same old question i have asked a few times before.

Has anyone made an emu and roms for Monte Carlo and Reno, I know these are video machines. Hopefully there are some out now and if not, no doubt you will read this post in a few more months time.

Have fun playing

new roms

25 August 2006 - 03:54 PM

I have have asked this question a couple of times and each time nothing new has come about and i have waitied about 6 months before repeating my question as not to flood you guys with the same old crap.

My question is has any roms or emu been released to so i can play Reno Monty Carlo or other simular video type fruit machines

looking for roms

21 February 2006 - 08:47 PM

Hi, I am looking for roms such as Reno, Monte Carlo and so forth i have search this site but can't seem to find them, also would i need another type of emulator to play them?