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Member Since 18 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Mar 03 2022 06:02 AM

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In Topic: reflex gaming emu

20 September 2014 - 10:38 PM

got this last week. downloaded 1st time round. 

does all this games pay out the same as in real coin op versions?

i been playng poker mania for ages and its still not letting me past the 1000credit mark lol. 

always the same crap  higher than a 3 you get a 2. lower than a queen u get a king.  thank god its for free credits n not real cash

In Topic: M1A - Cash Is King Wdx £10

19 September 2014 - 12:32 AM

thanks man this is a all time fav.

good old maygay machines back then used to do the streak when  the hopper was backing.



and thanks for this site for doing a great job.


ps anyone got the layout for goldmine? forgot who it was made by. just remembered it didnt have a feature board just a reel that added features cash or the ?.

In Topic: Barcrest - Hot Stuff / Hellraiser / Vamp It Up etc

01 February 2005 - 03:39 AM

my fav red gaming machine is probally rampage.. and still is.

the features r pretty neat like hi jack (skill tenner) or the treble reflex(skill jackpot) and the stampede (jp)

i used to play it at least 3 times aweek coz it was easy money the local business men would noramally go and fill it up on their lunch break and piss' of after woulds HAHA :D

but once in the blue moon it does take at least £10 to get on board and die 1st time ( worst time was £19 i think)

ne ways time has changed now and i onli pay fruits about less then once a week. but for all u lot who still do , keep up the skill and F*** the companies hard! hehe :lol:

In Topic: Barcrest - Hot Stuff / Hellraiser / Vamp It Up etc

19 January 2005 - 08:41 PM

hi there im pretty new 2 this site but on fruits i reckon im pretty up 2 date
ur rite that these machines WILL never repeat for jackpot but...
these type of machines do have a good pay rate normally 2 jackpots in a row. and the reason meanly when u have a hard time getting on the board with £20- 30 is probally its a unchiped version which can be EMPTIED but the chances r by now that they r all chiped :(

best fruit machine eva roller coaster and red alert