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Member Since 31 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Nov 25 2011 11:27 PM

Topics I've Started

Fruit Machine Bulbs

02 June 2006 - 12:12 PM

Hi, I`ve got a pinball Wizard machine and today when i`ve turned it on, one of the bulbs has gone under one of the reels. I notice its a bigger bulb than all the others, can anyone advise me what sort of bulb i need? Is it just a 10mm wedge? I`m guessing i`ll have to remove the whole reel to change it.

£10 Jackpot decals / Pinball wizard

27 April 2006 - 02:30 PM

I`ve recently bought pinball wizard thats set on 30p / £15, id like to change it to £10. Can anyone point me in the right direction and help me find the £10 decals? I`ll obviously pay for them. Do you think if i contact JPM they could help??
Help appreciated.

Crazy Fruits - Changing the Jackpot

22 March 2006 - 11:30 PM

Hi all, after browsing on these pages for a while, i`ve convinced myself to buy a fruit machine. Its a crazy fruits machine by bell fruit, thats set on 5p play / £5 Jackpot. Unfortunately, i haven`t got the manual for it, and i`m a total novice. Is there a way to change the price per spin and the Jackpot amount? Some decals were inside the machine for a £15 jackpot, I`d like to be able to set it to that amount. Any help appreciated. Cheers.