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Topics I've Started

Vivid Cliffhanger DDX (1600) MFME 9.9 only

22 March 2008 - 08:35 PM

OK so this time I figured I would try something just a little different. Instead of side art I have created a backdrop, and there is alot of dynamic lighting and shadows on this too.

Posted ImageDOWNLOAD FROM Fruit Emu

Don't expect anyone to like if of course, but I got bored of doing the same old shit.

Shortcuts are the same as they were in the classic, the red invisible lamps are on the title and the center feature.

You need to use MFME 9.9 to play this because if the machine attempts to go into attract on 10.2 you will get an alarm from the MUX lamp extender.

You can play it in mfme 10.2, but as I say if it goes into attract youll need to reset it. Dont see the point, tis better to use 9.9

Thanks to Taylor for the classic, my testers, and Spectrum for reminding me it is supposed to have red lamps, also ploggy for being really fussy.


King Kebab DX 1600 - READ POST !

19 March 2008 - 12:01 PM

Right. Please read this entire post. There are things you are going to need to know about this release, so that you dont ask all sorts of questions and say you have found problems ! :)

Posted ImageDOWNLOAD FROM Fruit Emu


MFME needs an off state to every lamp. So for example with a dual lamp you have 2 on states in the same lamp, and an off state. This is a real pisser because when you try to add more than 2 lamps you need to stack them, and when the one on the top goes into its off state it buries the lamps below.

In the eldest versions of the emu there was no off state, all you did was load an on lamp and the emu would default to nothing when it went out, that would have been ideal and TBH to this day I dont know why Chris added off lamps, it was totally un ness... Anyway.

In Austin powers for some reason this doesnt affect it, the same can be said for Luxor. However, with this machine it *does* affect it.

Now. Sometimes it will work perfectly, sometimes when you switch a stack the off state of the top 2 colored lamps will come on, blocking the lamps below (so they will go out). There is no formula to this and it doesnt do it every time.. So its just one of those things.

I tried to leave a couple of pixels of black surround in the top off lamps, and then mask the rest to hopefully make it invisible, but then the emu just defaulted to the red on lamps as its off lamp. f*****g stupid emulator..

In the end I put in a work around. Now, for the most part you will not need this, but, when the stack goes out simply look to the right --------------> on the DX and you will see a miniature stack of lamps. These are red, green blue and yellow. So when the real stack switches and nothing happens look to your right, and use the small classic lamps as a guide. The odd part is on the second switch it will work again?!?!?!. Stupid emu :D

Other than that I want to thank Johnny AFC for the classic, and his wisdom in finding the real, actual disco lamp LEDS. The start button looks utterly fantastic on this, doing exactly what it should.

If you watch this in attract mode its really rather lovely..

Now, enjoy the release, BUT PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME WHY THE LAMPS GO OUT. I will become rather annoyed.

Peace :)

Back to the features DX

17 March 2008 - 09:18 PM


OK this should (and I emphasise should) be completely bug free now..

Posted ImageDOWNLOAD FROM Fruit Emu

There were a couple of issues with the classic, namely -

Couple of red lamps were the wrong way round.

Reels were apparently wrong (something to do with pears IIRC)

The nudge stack had some wrong values on.

This has all been fixed now However, there could be other errors (this is an extremely complex machine, so it could take weeks to spot something..)

Things I'm not happy with.

In MFME you have to have a black BG on the alpha. For some reason I dont like the way the alpha looks in this, but it could be just me.

The number reel spins horizontally as it should, however MFME sucks at it and doesnt make it look nice like it does with the other reels, so it looks shit.

Thanks to -

Johnny AFC for the classic.
Bazpeeb for the flyer and reels.
Trouty for sourcing the roms from his sauce.

Ploggy, Spectrum, Spa and Bencrest for testing (or rather not reporting anything leading me to believe this should be safe lol).

And anyone else who helped out.

Shortcuts are the same as the classic, however you can edit them with the graphical buttons should you wish !

Sheik Yer Money DX 1600

09 March 2008 - 05:47 PM

Firstly thanks again to Ben, and Fevernova (Martin IIRC) for the classic. Made things easier

Posted ImageDOWNLOAD FROM Fruit Emu

The art for this wasnt very good, so I did what I could... I did spruce the reels up and so on, but be aware the art is a bit poo.. Its no supercharged or magic carpet but, it is a dx..

One thing to note..

In attract the hidden lamps on the bottom glass seem to froggy a bit. I think I might have accidentally nudged them over a pixel when working on them as a layer, but they dont do it when lit solid, only when theyre flickering. (infact I just took one more look and it is because I made them a tad too opaque. They are indeed in their correct positions but they show too much of the underneath.. Nothing I can do about that without 2 hours of f*****g around and the art isnt worth it

If the art was better I would have possibly gone back and redone them all, but with 15 of them and them not doing it during play I didnt see it as worthwhile..

Shortcuts are the same as the classic, they can be changed however.

Right, onto back to the features

Ady.... can you...... :D

Super Charged DX (1600)

07 March 2008 - 09:53 PM

OK this has been with the testers for a few hours now, and a few minor things were fixed.

So, it should now be bang on.

Posted ImageDOWNLOAD FROM Fruit Emu

Wanted to say thanks to the providah for the roms, Captain Haddock for the classic and Bencrest for sending me a flyer the way it should be, 80mb of png goodness :D

Shortcuts. Heavens to megatroid, theres so many its better to redo them yourselves tbh.

Things to note.

The vertical band reel this uses isnt emulated. Thus I have used a starpoint reel (fancy reel in the emu) and made it fit the same as Haddock did. There are no lamps on this reel either sadly as they are not addable like other lamps (barcrest use a reel driver lamp board so theyre not actually numbers they are hard coded into the emu and dont show on the lamp matrix).

If you do spot any errors please let me know. The best has been done to make sure there arent any but tbh with a machine of this complexity you can never be quite sure !

Enjoy !

(also. Only pic I have of this is a large PNG on my photobucket.. I know this sounds lazy but I really cant be arsed to convert it to jpeg or anything.. Ive been dxing since 9am and its now 5:15. if one of the guys here can sort that, and stick a lovely arrow on it for me I would really appreciate it :) )