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Member Since 19 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 28 2025 03:56 PM

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In Topic: Desert island fruits

16 September 2021 - 08:23 AM

You snooze you lose as the saying goes!!
You don’t post or use the sites in the correct manner then expect to get booted plain n simple it happens across all fme sites it used to happen on here now the members have deserted the sinking ship so saved admin a job.
As for the other numpty who started this topic
“ I have a family a job blah blah!” So do most in fme land you’ve just had a baby congrats but what about the previous 10 months?
I’ve had a child, two. Got a job, mow the lawn, pick up the dog shit etc . Yet I still managed to log in (probably to much lol) every day and make layouts for you to leech every two weeks or so in the last 9 years!!

Piss off.

In Topic: Desert island fruits

13 August 2021 - 07:27 PM

Well I'm sorry for accusing you reg. You do have enough in your plate running a site and listening to whining arses like myself.

I didn't realise you had to take all of that into account, like I said I'm a noob with computers and the likes of running sites etc. Please accept my apology.

I just didn't think that after trying to log in after a certain amount of time would render my account banned, I thought I'd done wrong, again my apologies I've taken all this wrong.

I hope whoever sees this on Fruit emu, sees I've taken this wrong as well.

Now I feel a right tw*t.

Take care guys. 😒

In Topic: Desert island fruits

13 August 2021 - 06:53 PM

Well sorry reg, but, it is how I'm taking it. Just because I ain't active every day/week/month don't mean I'm taking your fantastic site for granted.

I've always appreciated what you guys have done.

I'm more narked off as I'm sure other members are not active 24/7, or most of the time (unless they ain't got jobs/lives/kids etc to attend to).

I've literally got a newborn to attend to, work, my partner works and other stuff to get on with is the reason why I tend not to frequent these type of sites often, it don't mean to say I'm never gonna visit again.

I'm not gonna lie yes your probably right I may not of visited desertisland in the last 2 years, but it don't mean I've used or forgotten about your site, but when I tried to log in I couldn't believe I'd been banned.

Yet when I logged into a site I've not visited since 2009 let me straight in, no question asked. No 'purge' there.

I'm only kicking up a bit as I've been a member here on fruitemu for a while, and signed up to your site as fruitemu (like a few have pointed out) is a dying source. I didn't think I'd be banned for trying to log in after not even 2 years, but like I said I'm not arsed. I'm not a member that can contribute layout wise, or can contribute with photos of machines etc, but not all of your members can have access to stuff like that, yet I would of been a loyal member that would of yes 'hung around' in the background, but would also have recommended your site to others who are interested in emulation and other things.

Like I said I'm not too bothered as I have a newborn daughter to get on with and my job, I'm just a tad annoyed that folk like me who may hang around and log in infrequently get banned.

Take care reg, I'm not a nasty person and hope your site does bloom/take off in the future.


In Topic: Desert island fruits

13 August 2021 - 06:33 PM

The 'oh nealry two years' was a bit of a hint of 'arsiness'!

Yeah I'm sorry I don't frequent sites often, but that's my busy lifestyle, just as I am on other sites, I'm the one that 'lurks' in the background. Tbh I cba to argue. Can just delete my accounts.

In Topic: Desert island fruits

13 August 2021 - 06:27 PM

Well I'm sorry about that reg, but some folk do have lives, jobs, and kids too look after. Just logged into my Facebook account today after a while and it's funny I any 'banned' from that, but do you know what I ain't f*****g arsed. I asked a simple question and get replied to like I'm some sort of arsehole. Neither wonder members don't bother with sites like these no more.

There are a few sites I don't frequent often, yet they don't seem to ban you.

Really is like a 'play group' the way these sites are run.

I don't give a shite if my 'membership' is also deleted from this group as well after this rant, I'd rather go and poke my eyeballs out with red hot metal spoons than put up with this constant shite.

RIP Wizard is my last word!
And admin please delete my account also, can't be bothered with this shite.